Sunday, November 14, 2010

Welcome to My Site!

I am excited to start this site to share my creative crafts with you!  I will post things as I make them, so keep coming back to check out new items!

Here are a few things I have made recently:

Pamper Night Invites - I made about 75 in all.

Invite for Pamper Night
for the teachers at my daughters' school.
Header up close.

Paper flowers.

Paper flower up close.

70 of the invites all together.

Sleepover Invite for my daughter's 10th birthday.

Sleepover Invite

Pulled all the way out.

Pulled partially out.
  Painted Acorn Pumpkins
Used these in the art class I teach at a preschool.

Love these!
Hershey Candy Bar Holder
These were the "Thank you" cards for my daughter's birthday party.

Hershey bar pulled out a little.

Hershey bar all the way in.

Right side up - I think I made 10 of these.
 Christmas Tags

Used on table decorations at a ladies tea.


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